This business will deploy Wi-Fi on the moon internet in outer space.

 Reliable communication is one of the major obstacles facing humankind as it pursues space exploration. Particularly the Moon poses a special set of difficulties for explorers and their tools. Lockheed Martin has started a subsidiary company called Crescent Space that is focused on lunar infrastructure in order to solve this problem. 

The company's first endeavour is Parsec, a network of satellites connecting the Moon and Earth that seeks to support upcoming lunar missions with continuous communication and navigation.

To create a trustworthy contact channel between astronauts and individuals on Earth, Parsec will use a constellation of tiny lunar satellites. Additionally, the system will offer guidance for navigation so that astronauts can alter the course of their spacecraft and pinpoint their exact position on the Moon. The rover crews who must safely traverse the perilous lunar terrain will benefit from this feature.

By 2025, the first Parsec nodes are anticipated to be online, and Lockheed Martin will supply the system's satellites. 

It has already been stated by the business that it hopes Crescent Space will assist NASA with the Artemis Moon landings and other exploratory missions. There is already an obvious race to the Moon thanks to national initiatives from the US and China as well as independent initiatives like SpaceX's lunar tourism. Crescent Space wants to profit from this development and create income without interfering with Lockheed Martin's current operations.

Given that NASA's Artemis programme won't perform a lunar flyby until late 2024 and a landing until the end of 2025, Crescent Space's ambitious plan might seem a little premature. However, the business may have an advantage in obtaining lucrative contracts from both public and private businesses due to its early entry into the market.

The CEO of Crescent, Joe Landon, declared that the company is "well positioned to serve the upcoming wave of lunar science and exploration missions, including NASA's crewed Artemis moon landings."

source/via : techtoday
