One of the biggest game launch event "E3 2023" cancelled

 Electronic Entertainment exhibit( E3) 2023, the world’s largest gaming conference, has been cancelled, which was set to return in- person in Los Angeles for the first time since 2019.   

E3 logo (image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The  advertisement came after several gaming companies  similar as Nintendo, Microsoft and Ubisoft all claimed that they won't be  sharing in the event.   

According to an dispatch  transferred to  workers and  vindicated by IGN, E3 2023 “ simply didn't garner the sustained interest necessary to execute it in a way that would showcase the size, strength, and impact of our assiduity."   

E3 2023 was  listed for June 13 through June 16.   

                                        overhead view of E3 show (image source: flickr)

“ This was a  delicate decision because of all the  trouble we and our  mates put toward making this event be, but we had to do what’s right for the assiduity and what’s right for E3," Kyle Marsden- Kish, global VP of gaming at ReedPop, was quoted as saying.   “ We appreciate and understand that interested companies would n’t have playable demonstrations ready and that resourcing challenges made being at E3 this summer an  handicap they could n’t overcome. For those who did commit to E3 2023, we ’re sorry we ca n’t put on the show you earn and that you ’ve come to anticipate from ReedPop’s event  gests ," Marsden- Kish added. 
